Weekly Paw Prints
Ongoing Events
© Copyright 2012-2023 Valley Elementary School
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PTA President Monica Landeros
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This page was last updated: 3/7/2025
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Weekly Events and Spirit Days
Mondays: Tiger Trackers (1st-5th grades, weather permitting) - Wear running shoes
Mondays: No Excuses University Day
Thursdays: College Day – Wear a college shirt
Fridays: Valley Elementary Spirit Day – Wear a Valley shirt or school colors, blue and orange

Valley Spirit Wear
New and affordable t-shirt and sweatshirt designs for the entire family to show their Valley Tiger spirit are available at https://valleyspirit.itemorder.com/sale. While all sales will be handled online, the Big Frog storefront is located in Rancho Peñasquitos - not too far from Valley. You can pick up your order directly to avoid shipping charges.

Digital Box Tops 
All you need is your phone! Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase. The app will identify Box Tops products on your receipt and automatically credit our school's earnings online. Twice a year, our school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever we need! Get more info at https://www.boxtops4education.com

PTA Membership Drive
Click here to join!

Valley Jog-a-thon on Wednesday, March 12th
Our biggest PTA fundraiser of the year is here! The Jog-a-thon is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12th. All classes from Preschool through 5th-grade will be running, walking, or jogging around the field for 15 minutes. Parents are welcome to come and cheer on their students. Please enter via the side gate (by the Boys and Girls Club). The running windows by grades are as follows:
Time                    Class Loop 1                    Class Loop 2
8:15 – 8:45 am    Kindergarten (4 Classes)  1st Grade (4 Classes)
8:45 – 9:15 am    Bonnett, Garcia                   Molina , Reyes
9:15 – 9:45 am    Preschool (2 classes)        TK (3 classes)
9:45 - 10:15 am   Briggs, Carrasco, Graetz   Maranto, Romero
10:15 - 10:45 am   Asher, Jimenez                   Perucho, Garza 
10:45 - 11:15 am Aparis, Ruvalcaba              Chavez
Please do not arrive earlier than your child’s running window and exit out the side gate once your student is done with their race. Please remind your children that water WILL NOT be provided. All students are required to bring their own water bottle, preferably re-usable, clearly marked with their name. Each teacher will have an area on the field for the students to put their water bottles during the event. Thank you very much for your support of our PTA Jog-a-thon!

Jog-a-thon Volunteers Needed
Our biggest PTA fundraiser of the year is happening Wednesday March 12th and we're looking for volunteers to distribute otter pops to our students. If you're able to help, please sign up on the following link: Jog-a-Thon Otter pops

After School Program enrollment is open!
Valley offers a number of enrichment programs after school for students in 1st - 5th grade. Click here to sign up for the last Fit Kids America session of the school year (April 1 - May 29) including Academic Chess or Hip Hop (Tuesdays) and Pickleball or Flag Football (Thursdays). If cooking is more your child's style, click here to sign up for Sticky Fingers Cooking classes Thursdays from March 27 - May 22.

PTA needs you!
Want to get involved at Valley? Email us about becoming a PTA board member or committee chair! We have everything from board positions to roles that require no time on campus. Click here to see the open positions this school year, or get in touch to find out what will be open next year. We'd love to have you join us!

Contact us!
Have questions, comments, or want to get involved? Send an email to valleypta@yahoo.com.

Find us on Facebook
Stay up to date with the Valley PTA Facebook Group (private): 
fb.com/groups/valleypta To protect the privacy of our school community, please answer all three membership questions and agree to group rules, or your request to join may be declined.

Jog-a-thon: Wednesday, March 12
Foundation Kona Ice Fundraiser: Friday, March 28
Staff & Teacher Appreciation Week: Monday, April 7 - Friday, April 11
No School - Spring Break: Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18
Volunteer Tea: Thursday, April 24
Spelling Bee: Thursday, April 24
Foundation STEAM Fair & PTA Art Showcase: Saturday, May 3
Scholastic Book Fair: Saturday, May 3 - Friday, May 9

Hello Valley families, 
I’m Monica Landeros the 2024-2025 PTA president. This year marks my 11th year as a Valley Elementary parent and 2nd as PTA President. During my time here at Valley, I have been a PTA member, committee chair, and board member. I am a proud mother of three amazing children. My oldest son is a freshman at Poway High, my middle daughter is a 7th grader at Meadowbrook Middle School and my youngest son is a 3rd grader at Valley. I also work part-time as an instructional assistant and substitute teacher for the agriculture department at Poway High. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your leader and I vow to do my best!